Criminal Case : Solved Case #19 Innocence Lost
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Criminal Case : Solved Case #19 Innocence Lost
After doing this you only get access to Criminal Case : Case 19
  • Get a 100% progress in Additional Investigation
  • Complete “Investigate Next Case” task [ 1 star]
  • Get 3 friends to write the required reports by the captain, or buy them with 20 in-game cash ( Never Use This Option)
  • Gail Harding (She was found encased in solid concrete)
  • Susan Peck
  • Rachel Priest
  • Derek Molina
  • Philip Rockwell
  • Irina Phelps
Murder Weapon:
  • Concrete Mixer

To See The Killer Go Here Case #19

Crime Scenes
         ♦ Scene 1: Construction Site
                 ►Clues: Victim's Body, Concrete Mixer, Torn Card,Toolbox
Criminal Case : Solved Case #19 Innocence Lost
                                   ( To see all the item you have to click the picture & zoom it on your device & memorized it )
         ♦ Scene 2: Hallway Corner
                 ►Clues: Platform Scale, Plank
Criminal  Case #19 Innocence Lost
                                   ( To see all the item you have to click the picture & zoom it on your device & memorized it )
         ♦ Scene 3: Motel Room #9
                 ►Clues: Victim's Purse, Credit Card Receipt,Drug Bag

Criminal Case facebook game #19
                                   ( To see all the item you have to click the picture & zoom it on your device & memorized it )
         ♦ Scene 4:  Motel bed
                 ►Clues: Cocaine Mirror
Criminal Case  #19 hack
                                   ( To see all the item you have to click the picture & zoom it on your device & memorized it )
         ♦ Scene 5: Walton Square
                 ►Clues: Trash Bag,Metal Pieces
Criminal Case  case  #19 hint
                                   ( To see all the item you have to click the picture & zoom it on your device & memorized it )
         ♦ Scene 6: Company Car
                 ►Clues: Haedrest
Criminal Case  19
                                   ( To see all the item you have to click the picture & zoom it on your device & memorized it )

Chapter 1 : Construction Site
  • Investigate Construction Site. (Clues: Victim's Body, Concrete Mixer, Torn Card)
  • Autopsy the Victim's Body. (18:00:00)
  • Examine Concrete Rubble. (Result: Molecule)
  • Examine Molecule. (Result: Taurine)
  • Examine Concrete Mixer. (Result: Powder Specks)
  • Analyze Powder Specks. (06:00:00)
  • Examine Torn Card. (Result: Stone Cold Motel Business Card)
  • Investigate Motel Room #9. (Clues: Victim's Purse, Credit Card Receipt)
  • Talk to the motel owner about the victim.
  • Examine Victim's Purse. (Result: Victim's Press ID Card)
  • Talk to Rachel about her ties with the victim.
  • Examine Credit Card Receipt. (Result: Credit Card Number)
  • Analyze Credit Card Number. (00:30:00)
  • Talk to Derek Molina about the credit card receipt.
  • Go to Chapter 2. (1 star)
Chapter 2 : Walton Square
  • See what Philip Rockwell wants to tell you.
  • Investigate Walton Square. (Clues: Trash Bag)
  • Examine Trash Bag. (Result: Car Key)
  • Examine Car Key. (Result: VM City Cruiser Car Key)
  • Analyze Car Key Registration. (00:30:00)
  • Warn Rachel about Philip Rockwell's threats.
  • Talk to Derek Molina about his drug habit.
  • Talk to Irina Phelps about her ties to the victim.
  • Investigate Motel Bed. (Clues: Cocaine Mirror)
  • Examine Cocaine Mirror. (Result: Fingerprints)
  • Analyze Fingerprints. (06:00:00)
  • Talk to Susan Peck about her dealing cocaine.
  • Go to Chapter 3. (1 star)
Chapter 3 : Company Car
  • Talk to Philip Rockwell about the victim.
  • Talk to Irina Phelps about taking cocaine.
  • Talk to Rachel Priest about her relationship with the victim.
  • Investigate Company Car. (Clues: Haedrest)
  • Examine Headrest. (Result: Molecule)
  • Analyze Molecule. (00:30:00)
  • Investigate Hallway Corner. (Clues: Platform Scale, Plank)
  • Examine Plank. (Result: Pice of Thread)
  • Analyze Piece of Thread. (06:00:00)
  • Analyze Platform Scale. (06:00:00)
  • Arrest the killer.
  • Go to Additional Investigation. (No stars)
 Additional Investigation
  • Ask Rachel Priest to leave the construction site.
  • Investigate Construction Site. (Clues: Toolbox)
  • Examine Toolbox. (Result: Digital Recorder)
  • Examine Digital Recorder. (Result: Rachel's Digital Recorder)
  • Give her digital recorder back to Rachel Priest. (Reward: Burger)
  • Talk to Susan Peck about the dealing accusations.
  • Investigate Motel Room #9. (Clues: Drug Bag)
  • Examine Bag. (Result: Fingerprints)
  • Analyze Fingerprints. (03:00:00)
  • Arrest Susan Peck for dealing. (Reward: 100 XP)
  • See what Derek Molina wants.
  • Investigate Walton Square. (Clues: Metal Pieces)
  • Examine Metal Pieces. (Result: Derek's Prototype Mixing Table)
  • Give his mixing table to Derek Molina. (Reward: Geeky Cap, Blue/Pink Stripped Glasses)
  • Investigate Next Case.(1 star)

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1 comment:

  1. Great guide! Thanks for this interesting article! Check out this game Find the Differences The Detective as well.
