Criminal Case : Solved Case 23 The Final Journey
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Criminal Case : Solved Case #23 The Final Journey
After doing this you only get access to Criminal Case : Case 23
  • Get a 100% progress in Additional Investigation
  • Complete “Investigate Next Case” task [ 1 star]
  • Get 3 friends to write the required reports by the captain, or buy them with 20 in-game cash ( Never Use This Option)
  • Daniel Taylor (found lying dead in his attic with no visible wound on his body)
  • Lily Robinson
  • Victoria Taylor
  • Gertrude Piccadilly
  • Molly Robinson
  • Charles Parker
Murder Weapon:
  • Ultimum Viaticum

To See The Killer Go Here Case #23

Crime Scenes
         ♦ Scene 1: Dusty Attic
criminal case 23 The Final Journey
                                   ( To see all the item you have to click the picture & zoom it on your device & memorized it )
         ♦ Scene 2: Attic Corner
criminal case #23 The Final Journey
                                   ( To see all the item you have to click the picture & zoom it on your device & memorized it )
         ♦ Scene 3: Tea Room
criminal case 23 cheat
                                   ( To see all the item you have to click the picture & zoom it on your device & memorized it )
         ♦ Scene 4:  Tea Table
criminal case 23 hack
                                   ( To see all the item you have to click the picture & zoom it on your device & memorized it )
         ♦ Scene 5: Greenhouse
criminal case 23 bonus
                                   ( To see all the item you have to click the picture & zoom it on your device & memorized it )
         ♦ Scene 6: Plants
criminal case 23 solved
                                   ( To see all the item you have to click the picture & zoom it on your device & memorized it )

Chapter 1 : Dusty Attic
  • Investigate Dusty Attic. (Clues: Victim's Body, Phone, Backpack)
  • Autospy The Victim's Body. (18:00:00)
  • Examine Phone. (Result: Unlocked Phone)
  • Analyze Phone. (00:30:00)
  • Talk to Lily Robinson.
  • Examine Backpack.(Clue:Ticket.)
  • Talk to Victoria Taylor.
  • Investigate Tea Room. (Clue: Torn Photo)
  • Examine Torn Photo. (Result: Photo)
  • Examine Photo. (Result: Gertrude's Message)
  • Talk to Gertude Piccadilly.
  • Go to Chapter 2. (1 star)
Chapter 2 : Tea Table
  • Talk to Gertrude Piccadilly.
  • Investigate Tea Table. (Clue: Cup of Tea)
  • Examine Cup of Tea. (Result: Fingerprints)
  • Analyze Fingerprints. (00:30:00)
  • Talk to Molly Robinson.
  • Investigate Greenhouse. (Clues: Pile of Flowers)
  • Examine Pile of Flowers. (Result: Flower)
  • Analyze Flower. (06:00:00)
  • Talk to Charles Parker.
  • Talk to Lily Robinson.
  • Investigate Greenhouse. (Clues: Shoeprint)
  • Examine Shoeprint.
  • Go to Chapter 3. (1 star)
Chapter 3 : Company Car
  • Talk to Charles Parker.
  • Investigate Attic Corner. (Clues: Aligaters, Torn Note)
  • Examine Aligators. (Result: DNA Sample)
  • Analyze DNA. (00:30:00)
  • Talk to Victoria Taylor.
  • Examine Garden Shears. (Result: Fibres)
  • Analyze Fibres. (06:00:00)
  • Examine Note.
  • Talk to Molly Robinson.
  • Investigate Plants. (Clue: Garden Gloves)
  • Examine Garden Gloves. (Result: Pollen)
  • Analyze Pollen. (06:00:00)
  • Arrest Killer.
  • Go to Additional Investigation. (1 star)
 Additional Investigation
  • Talk to Gertrude Piccadilly about her troubles.
  • Investigate Tea Room. (Clue: Broken China)
  • Examine Broken China (Result: China Teapot)
  • Give back her teapot to Gertude Piccadilly. (Reward: Burger)
  • Talk to Victoria Taylor about her problems.
  • Investigate Dusty Attic. (Clue: Locked Box)
  • Examine Locked Box.
  • Give the photos back to Victoria Taylor. (Reward: 200 XP)
  • Talk to Charles Parker about his plants.
  • Investigate Plants. (Clue: Pile of Flowers)
  • Examine Pile of Flowers. (Result: Rotten Hydrangea)
  • Analyze Rotten Hydrangea. (03:00:00)
  • Explain the disease to Charles Parker. (Reward: Overall, Botanist Hat)
  • Investigate Next Case. (2 stars)

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