Criminal Case Ranks Up & Boosters Guide

Criminal Case Ranks Up & Boosters Guide

Ranks :
There are currently 14 Rank-ups and they occur when you reach the following levels
  • Level 5 - Deputy
  • Level 12 - Detective
  • Level 20 - Corporal
  • Level 32 - Sergeant
  • Level 45 - Lieutenant
  • Level 60 - Captain
  • Level 75 - Major
  • Level 100 - Inspector
  • Level 125 - Lead Inspector
  • Level 150 - Commander
  • Level 175 - Deputy Chief
  • Level 200 - Commissioner
  • Level 250 - Sheriff
  • Level 300 - Ranger
►When you rank up, you can share Potato Chips for your friends or other people to collect.(Recommended)
►When you level up, you can share Orange Juice for your friends or other people to collect.(Recommended)
►If you want to ranks up quickly, play 5 star scenes . It will give you 20XP for 5 Energy only !!!
►You Can Check This Tricks To Ranks Up Quickly


criminal case boosters
Boosters are special power-ups that help you during the Crime Scene Investigation. You will unlock the Boosters when reaching level 5.
There are 3 different Boosters:

  • Instant Magnifier: Instantly displays the preview of the hidden items in the Crime Scene (Cost 500 coins)
  • 5 Hints Play: the Crime Scene with 5 hints (Cost 1500 coins)
  • X6 Combo Starter: Start the Crime Scene with a completely filled out combo bar (Cost 3000 coins)

►Use A Booster To Beat Your Friend, You At Least Get 4 Stars First In Any Scenes Then Use Booster Because Before 4 Star, Using A Booster Is A Waste Of Coins .
►To Beat Your Friend, After 5 stars Use 6X Combo Starter Booster (Recommended) . This Will Help You Multiply Your Scores .

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  1. ►► Hey Detectives, Get your Daily BONUS (CHIPS, OJ and COINS) without having to ask anyone for them or wait.
