Criminal Case : Solved Case #2 Corpse In A Garden

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Criminal Case : Case #2 Corpse In A Garden

Victim :
  • Ned Dillard
Suspects :
  • Joe Stern
  • Dave Simmons
  • Tony MArconi
Murder Weapon :
  • Bloody Saw
  • Dennis Brown
Crime Scenes :

         1. Crime Scene 1 : Junkyard Garden. 
               ►Clues. [Cut-off hand]

                                     ( To see all the item you have to click the picture & zoom it on your device & memorized it )

         2. Crime Scene 2: Dirty Bathroom.
               ►Clues. [flammable liquid, victim's body, victim's clothes, bloody saw]

                                     ( To see all the item you have to click the picture & zoom it on your device & memorized it )

         3. Crime Scene 3: Mini MArket
               ►Clues. [Trash bag]


                                     ( To see all the item you have to click the picture & zoom it on your device & memorized it )

         5. Extra Crime Scene: Market Shelves
               ►Clue : [Box of Cookies]
                                     ( To see all the item you have to click the picture & zoom it on your device & memorized it )


         1. Autopsy Victim’s Body
         2. Examine Flammable Liquid
         3. Examine Tooth
         4. Talk To Dave Simmons
         5. Talk to Joe Stern
       6. Talk To Tony MArconi
       7. Examine Trash Bag
       8. Unlock Chapter 2

Chapter 2

In the second chapter, captain tells you to come back to the first two crimes scenes to find more evidence.


        1. Crime Scene 1: Market Shelves
              ►Clues. [ Surveillance Camera]
        2. Extra Crime Scene: Joe’s Mini Market Bonus Time Attack [unlocked after obtaining 9 stars in total         in Corpse in a Garden]
        3. Investigate Junkyard Garden Again
              ►Clues. [Pile of Leaves]
        4. Investigate Dirty Bathroom Again
              ►Clues. [tie clip]
        5. Examine: Pile of Leaves [you will find a card, it's located on the upper right side of the pile you need to examine]
        6. Analyze Fingerprints
        7. Examine: The Clip [simply click on any grid and follow the arrow]
        8. Examinine: Phone Number
        9. Talk to Maria Sanchez
      10. Talk to Dennis Brown
      11. Examine Torn List
      12. Analyze Surveillance Camera

Chapter 2 Additional Investigation


        1. Check Dave Simmons presence on Crime Scene
        2. Assist Joe Sterns
        3. Investigate Market Shelves
            ►Hint: Box of Cookies
       4. Investigate Junkyard Garden
            ►Hint: stained documents
        5. Examine Box of Cookies
        6. Analyze bag of Powder
        7. Examine Stained Documents
        8. Analyze File Number
        9. Tell Joe Sterns about the Drug
      10. Interrogate Dave Simmons about Marconi’s Plans

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