Criminal Case : Solved Case #13 Bomb Alert On Grimsborough
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Criminal Case : Case #13 Bomb Alert On Grimsborough

After doing this you only get access to Criminal Case : Case 13
  • Get a 100% progress in Additional Investigation
  • Complete “Investigate Next Case” task [ 2 star]
  • Get 3 friends to write the required reports by the captain, or buy them with 20 in-game cash ( Never Use This Option)
  • Henry Crosby (Killed in an explosion in a public park)
  • Harriet Meadows
  • Shaun Crosby
  • Rachel Priest
  • Alfred Ziegler
  • Donald Byrd
Killer Weapon:
  • Bomb

To See The Killer Go Here Case #13

Crime Scenes

         ♦ Scene 1: Statue of W. Cooper
                 ►Clues: Severed Foot, The Victim, Torn Card, Right Leg, Shoe Print
criminal case case 13
                                     ( To see all the item you have to click the picture & zoom it on your device & memorized it )
         ♦ Scene 2: Henry’s Stall
                 ►Clues: Satchel
criminal case case #13
                                     ( To see all the item you have to click the picture & zoom it on your device & memorized it )
         ♦ Scene 3: Hot Dog Stall
                 ►Clues: Bomb, Old Picture

criminal case  #13
                                     ( To see all the item you have to click the picture & zoom it on your device & memorized it )

         ♦ Scene 4: Stall Counter
                 ►Clues: Torn Letter
criminal case  Bomb Alert On Grimsborough
                                     ( To see all the item you have to click the picture & zoom it on your device & memorized it )

         ♦ Scene 5: Park Bench
                 ►Clues: Piece of Fabric
criminal case  Bomb Alert On Grimsborough
                                     ( To see all the item you have to click the picture & zoom it on your device & memorized it )

         ♦ Scene 6: Car Trunk
                 ►Clues: Car Bomb
criminal case  Bomb Alert On Grimsborough
                                     ( To see all the item you have to click the picture & zoom it on your device & memorized it )

Chapter 1 : Statue Of W. Cooper

  • Investigate Statue of W. Cooper.
  • Autopsy the Victim's Body.
  • Examine Shoe Print.
  • Ask Harriet what she saw.
  • Examine Torn Card.
  • Inform Shaun of his father's death.
  • Investigate Henry's Stall.
  • Examine Satchel.
  • Ask the reporter about the victim.
  • Talk to Shaun about Greene holding.
  • Go to Chapter 2. (2 stars)
Chapter 2 : Hot Dog Stall

  • Investigate Hot Dog Stall.
  • Analyze Disarmed Bomb.
  • Examine Old Picture.
  • Ask Alfred about Henry's picture.
  • Ask Harriet about Henry's problems.
  • Investigate Stall Counter.
  • Examine Torn Letter.
  • Analyze Letter.
  • Talk to Shaun about the letter.
  • See who this Donald Byrd is.
  • Make a deal with Rachel.
  • Go to Chapter 3. (2 stars)

Chapter 3 : Park Bench
  • See what Donald Byrd wants.
  • Investigate Park Bench.
  • Examine Piece of Fabric.
  • Analyze Blood.
  • Ask Alfred for help.
  • Investigate Car Trunk.
  • Examine Bomb.
  • Ask Rachel what she knows about Byrd.
  • Arrest the killer.
  • Go to Additional Investigation. (2 stars)

 Additional Investigation
  • Get news from Alfred Ziegler.
  • Investigate Henry's Stall.
  • Give his ingredients to Alfred Ziegler.
  • Investigate Henry's Stall.
  • Give the last ingredient to Alfred Ziegler. (Reward: Burger)
  • Get news from Shaun Crosby.
  • Investigate Statue of W. Cooper.
  • Examine Broken Medal.
  • Give his silver star to Shaun Crosby. (Reward: Camo Makeup, Military Helmet)
  • Talk to Rachel Priest.
  • Investigate Car Trunk.
  • Examine Metal Box.
  • Analyze USB key.
  • Give the USB key to Rachel Priest. (Reward: 100 XP)
  • Investigate Next Case. (2 stars)

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